Advocating for increased local governance

The Campaign for Home Rule is dedicated to advocating for the decentralisation of governance to enhance local authority and community empowerment in South Africa.

We believe that local communities should take the lead in making the decisions that affect their lives, supported by provincial and municipal governments.

Our campaign champions the cause for greater local governance autonomy, recognising that those closest to the issues are best positioned to address them effectively.

The Campaign for Home Rule is a grassroots movement dedicated to shifting the balance of power from the central government to more localised authorities.

We stand on the principle that South Africa’s current challenges stem from centralised policies that do not reflect the diverse needs of its provinces and municipalities.

With South Africa’s constitution fundamentally supporting federalism, we question the prevailing centralisation and advocate for a true federal structure where local governance can thrive.

The Campaign for Home Rule is an initiative of the Free Market Foundation, a policy institute founded in 1975 to advocate for individual liberty, private property, free enterprise, and limited constitutional government in southern Africa.